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Carl Johan Erikson

Carl Johan Erikson studied at the School of Photography at the University of Gothenburg from 1988-92. As an artist, he is active mainly in photography, but also works with artists’ books and video. Carl Johan Erikson has worked at the Royal Institute of Art since 2014, and is responsible for the digital darkroom, which contains large-format printers, scanners, and simpler tools for publishing-related projects.

Selected Representation: Moderna Museet, Stockholm; Malmö Art Museum; and Jönköping County Museum. Awarded 1st prize in Swedish Food Literature of the Year 2019 (Årets Svenska Måltidslitteratur) from the category ‘lifestyle literature’ with the conceptual cookbook Kokgropar och andra aktiviteter i Forsmarks skogar (Cooking Pits and other Activities in Forsmark’s Forests’) together with artist Karin Willén. The book was part of an artistic research project conducted at the Royal Institute of Art in 2018.