The next application period opens on March 4, 2025 and closes on April 8. During the application period, applications can be submitted through the application link located at the bottom of each course page.
The deadline to apply is April 8, 2025.
Application Process
Applications are made through digital work samples, essays, and resumes, depending on what is specified for each course. Interviews may also be conducted.
The Royal Institute of Art’s Admissions Committees are composed of faculty and student representatives.
The selection criteria vary from course to course (see each course syllabus).
Admission letter
Admission decisions are sent by email at the end of May.
More information about the current admission procedures for the various freestanding courses at the second cycle level, will be published when a new round of applications opens. Please read carefully what applies to the specific course you are applying to.
Admission Requirements
Admission requirements vary from course to course (see each course syllabus).
Prior learning
If you do not have a bachelor’s or master’s degree, you can claim prior learning: that you have achieved a level of knowledge and competence equivalent to a bachelor’s or master’s degree and the language requirements through other educational and professional activities. Proof of this must be included with the application.
Application and tuition fees
There are no application and tuition fees to study at the Royal Institute of Art, except for students who are nationals of a country outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland. The application fee is SEK 900, and information on how to pay is found in the digital application link.
The tuition fee at the Royal Institute of Art is currently SEK 359,767 per academic year. Foreign students are to contact the Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket) to apply for a residence permit for the duration of your studies.
Scholarship for tuition fees
There is one scholarship available for advanced level students that cover the tuition fee itself, but not subsistence.
Do you have questions about the application process for further education courses?
Email your questions to:
Processing of personal data
Much of the information available at the University is public documents. If your personal data is contained in a public document, anyone who requests it can access your personal data, unless confidentiality under the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400) prevents this.
An application for university studies is a public document. This means that all information in your application will be disclosed if someone asks for it.
If you have a secrecy marking or a decision on retention in the population register, your application may be marked as confidential.
If this is the case, it is important that you contact us before filling in an application: or phone 08-614 40 00