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Individual Artistic Project

Therese Norgren, D E C O D E R Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger

Application opens 25 February 2025. Applications are made via an application link that can be found under each course page during the application period.

The requirement for the course is that one has passed the course Individual Work – Year 3 or Individual Work – Year 4 at the Royal Institute of Art.

The course is to be seen as a preparation for the course Degree Project in Fine Art at Master level and therefore preference is given to students in Year 4/MA1 at the Fine Art Programme at the Royal Institute of Art.  

The aim of the course is for students to develop, implement and present an independent artistic idea through a project plan for 12 weeks. The course also aims at individual artistic development through critical reflection on their own artistic practice and work process.

The course is structured around three individual tutoring sessions with Liv Strand, the  responsible teacher of the course, and independent work in between. The first session is intended for establishing the individual project plan and for discussing possible ways of working during the course. At the two following tutorials the work is followed up. In the course an individual presentation is included, where questions, purposes and conclusions of the artistic work is presented. Participation in the other students’ presentations and a joint visit to an exhibition are other parts of the course.

Students will be provided with a studio space, but please note that the workshops and Teknikförrådet (the technology lending centre) are not open during the summer.

Credits18 hp
LevelAdvanced level
LanguageSwedish and/or English
Entry RequirementsHas passed the course Individual Work – Year 3 or Individual Work – Year 4 at the Royal Institute of Art.                                                    
SelectionSelection is based on a proposed  individual project plan and 3-4 work 
samples. The course is seen as a preparatory course for the course Independent work in fine art at master level and therefore priority is given to students in Year 4/MA1 at the Royal Institute of Art’s programme in fine art.
Course Period9 June–29 August 2024
Responsible teacherLiv Strand (regarding study administrative questions)

Deadline: 8 April.