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Fredrika Bremer Förbundets Scholarship to Kayo Mpoyi

Fredrika Bremer Förbundets Stipendiestiftelse manages several foundations and awards. About 100 study scholarships are announced annually. This year, for the first time, four scholarship recipients have been nominated. Together they present the performance Gränser där musik och konst samverkar.

The recipients are; Hanna Blomberg, Kayo Mpoyi, Ebba Eriksson and Ella Kjellberg.

Kayo Mpoyi studies Fine Art at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. She has worked with her mother’s photographs in collaboration with the National Black Theater in Sweden (NBTS) and the Ethnographic Museum in Stockholm. In parallel with her art studies, Mpoyi is also a writer.

Performance of the scholarship recipients takes place on 19 May 2022 18:00 – 19:00
Gränser där musik och konst samverkar
Julius Hus, Bondegatan 21A
116 33 Stockholm