The Royal Institute of Art’s courses in Architecture and Fine Art are aimed at professional artists and architects. These courses are at an advanced level and contain of a large component of research methodology.
The courses are designed for those who are interested in current issues in art and architecture in relation to political, historical and social themes.
Next application period opens in March 2025. Applications are made via an application link that can be found under each course page during the application period.
Read more about the application process.
The courses are listed below.
Tusen kulturhus
Kungl. Konsthögskolan ger läsåret 2024/2025 en ettårig forskningsbaserad kurs som syftar till att förstå samlingslokalernas och kulturhusens möjliga funktioner och framtider. Med utgångspunkt i dessa rum undersöks relationen mellan plats, politik och kulturproduktion. Kursen undersöker huruvida de gemensamma rummen kan utgöra infrastrukturer för en demokratisering av vardagslivet, konsten och politiken.
Undervisningsspråk | Svenska |
Decolonizing Architecture
Al Masha – Rural Commons (Continuation Course)
The continuation course is open to all students who have previously completed the course Decolonizing Architecture (60 hp/ECTS).The aim of the course is to solidify, with a focus on writing and practical interventions, individual and collective practice-based research projects. The course aspires to develop a sustainable, equalitarian, and diverse research practice and environment.
Read more about the course here.
Language | English |
Of Public Interest (OPI) Lab
Of Public Interest (OPI) Lab is a hub and laboratory that operates as a year-long advanced course at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. We focus on and work with spaces referred to as public. Our foundation is the field of art and the different histories, discourses, formal and conceptual strategies that belong to it. However, we seek to engage in methods and approaches from multiple disciplines.
Read more about the course here.
Language | English |
Reconstructions seek to reimagine spatial practices “otherwise”––learning from black feminism. The course is experimental, interdisciplinary and practice-based at advanced level, bringing together an intimate group of practitioners and researchers to be in dialogue and engagement with each other alongside invited guests.
Read more about the course here.
Language | English |
Malmö: Att förvalta en dynamisk stad
Under det kommande läsåret tar kursen Restaureringskonst sig an stadens och stadsutvecklingens problemställningar, med blicken riktad mot kulturarvets roll i framtidens hållbara samhälle. Staden utgör en viktig referenspunkt, som definierar det gemensamma rummet, den lokala kulturen och det kollektiva minnet. Staden blir därmed en minnesbank, som genom gjorda erfarenheter kan generera lösningar för en hållbar framtid.
Undervisningsspråk | Svenska |
Malmö: Stadsutveckling i omprövningens tid
Ombyggnadskultur undersöker och reflekterar kritiskt över hur efterkrigstidens arkitektur kan bidra till en hållbar framtid. Stadsutveckling är en komplex process, och snarare än linjär kan den ses som ett kluster av kreativa processer som förbinder oväntade punkter. Staden har historiskt sett växt fram ur platsen och haft en nära relation till det lokala klimatet och landskapet. Moderniteten och globaliseringen har i urbana miljöer distanserat människan från dessa förutsättningar. Ombyggnadskultur tillämpar restaureringskonstens analysmodeller i modifierad form på efterkrigstidens bebyggelse.
Undervisningsspråk | Svenska |
Reconstructions (Continuation Course)
The continuation course Reconstructions: the Sylvia Wynter study group focuses on the advanced study of black feminist fugitivity and the forms and spatialities that are informed by the sociality, culture and creative practice emerging from within the African diaspora. The aim of this advanced course is to develop a deeper discussion, reflection and collective learning on advanced readings, with the purpose for participants to deepen and develop research questions and experiments that have been formulated in the previous year’s course of Reconstructions.
Read more about the course here.
Language | English |