The higher seminar is a place where we together explore and discuss issues that have emerged through the various artistic research processes that take place at The Royal Institute of Art.
Each seminar has a form and content that reflect the specific question and artistic project that we are invited to engage with. The core of the higher seminar is the communal thinking and sharing of methods and experiences in the middle of an artistic research process.
As we have a limited number of places registration is required for both events. Send email an to Å
HIGHER SEMINAR on the sonic architecture of an enchanted airship, Hol-Hol Tol:
Camila Marambio and Ariel Bustamante
1 March 2022, 1-4pm
Listening Room at the Royal Institute of Art
Yesterday you wrote: need to learn to listen to yourself. As words leave my mouth the air they modulate is no longer mine. I infuse the oxygen around me with long carbon chains, breath that want to mean things and express my inner passions co-mingle with whirlwinds of the respiration of others.
la escucha, la auto-escucha, escucha me.
When you listen to my voice you hear things that I can not. you’re an air wizard. I travel from deep dream worlds following gusts of lust that rise to the surface in the shape of sentences that want to move minds in ecological directions. When I listen to recordings of this air trapped by the hairs of your mic I sound like a fragile female. I’m not. I’m nervous, yes, sometimes, but not nervous as in anxious. I am nervous energy pulsing with the desire to excite sound action. But this Higher Seminar is not about me. It’s about Hol-Hol Tol and the spiritual technologies that you and I have been exercising for years now. So, what material are we going to be listening to?
Hema’ny leading us in dance and song inside the airship seems like the only thing we can share. It is urgent. Then we’ll discuss where and how we record and all the protocols, permissions, circulations, translations, transits, and licenses that listening in this way entails.
These are just some of my thoughts.
Readings with Nina Lykke
24 February 2022, 4–6pm
Listening room at the Royal Institute of Art
“Dear Nina,
I’m sorry you can’t come to Stockholm for Eiko’s Delicious Movement Workshop. Covid continues to make everything much more difficult. I would have loved it if you could have come but I think that given all the changes it’s not a bad idea that we could give a reading of parts of our book next year, when I come back to Stockholm to work with Ariel in the Lyssingsrum. I’d initially thought we could present one of the Interrupters on radiation, but that was because of the crossover with Eiko’s work. Now I feel Twinning and its pieces of our Cancer chapters are a good fit.
Love always,
Camila Marambio (Chile), curator, Founder/Director of Ensayos. Postdoc Fellow of The Seedbox Program at The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm. PhD in Curatorial Practice, Monash University, Melbourne. M.A. in Modern Art: Curatorial Studies, Columbia University, NYC and Master of Experiments in Art and Politics, Science Po, Paris. She’s a letter writing dancer who practices magic, delights in telling ancient circular stories and is concerned with human/non-human health.
Ariel Bustamante is a sound artist based in La Paz/Bolivia. His practice concentrates on long-term processes of both craftsmanship and sensorial research. Bustamante is a member of the Multispecies Ontology Laboratory at the Institute of Anthropological and Archeological Research at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Bolivia. Before moving to Bolivia he lived in Finland. During his two-year residency at Aalto University, Bustamante worked at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture at the Department of Media. The result of the residency, a comprehensive communal soundtrack “Why Do We Do the Things We Do?” consists of a series of self-reflective conversations between two or more individuals and a sculpture, an intimate, acoustically isolated conversation room.
Nina Lykke is Professor Emerita of Gender Studies at Linköping University, Sweden. Co-founder of the International Network for Queer Death Studies, and the International Network for ECOcritical and DECOlonial Research. Her current research focuses on cancer cultures, critical patienthood studies, geopolitics of cancer, queer widowhood, death, dying, mourning and spirituality in queerfeminist materialist and decolonial perspectives. She is also doing research on autophenomenographic writing, and experimenting with ways to combine poetic and narrative writing with critical-affirmative philosophical and cultural theoretical inquiries. She is managing co-editor (together with Jeff Hearn) of the book series Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality.
Hema’ny Molina (Chile) is a Selk’nam writer, poet, craftswoman and grandmother. Molina is president of the Selk’nam Corporation Chile, formed in 2015, which aims to dislodge the indigenous community from the stigma of “extinction”. The Covadonga Ona indigenous community gathers families of Selk’nam descendants who have maintained oral memory through the transmission of ancestral knowledge and connection over generations.