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Publikt program

Disputation: Oscar Lara

Disputation: Oscar Lara

Samtal: Salman Toor

Samtal: Salman Toor

Öppet hus

Öppet hus

Launch: MANUAL

Launch: MANUAL

Disputation: Olivia Plender 16/12

Disputation: Olivia Plender 16/12



Premiär och filmvisning i Muralen

Premiär och filmvisning i Muralen

Rundgång: öppna ateljéer och utställningar

Rundgång: öppna ateljéer och utställningar

Samtal: Selma Selman

Samtal: Selma Selman

Launch: Center for Art and the Political Imaginary (CAPIm)

Launch: Center for Art and the Political Imaginary (CAPIm)

Ombyggnadskultur 23/24: Utställning och boksläpp

Ombyggnadskultur 23/24: Utställning och boksläpp

Samtal: Jonathas de Andrade

Samtal: Jonathas de Andrade

Naomi Rincón Gallardo: Annotated Screening of Verses of Filth 

Naomi Rincón Gallardo: Annotated Screening of Verses of Filth 

Of Public Interest (OPI) Lab: Open Door Session

Of Public Interest (OPI) Lab: Open Door Session

Konferens: FORMS OF AUTONOMY – Aesthetic Theory between Experimental Art and Cultural Policy

Konferens: FORMS OF AUTONOMY – Aesthetic Theory between Experimental Art and Cultural Policy

Disputation: Kajsa Dahlberg 5/6

Disputation: Kajsa Dahlberg 5/6

Konferens arrangerad av Tusen Kulturhus 4/6

Konferens arrangerad av Tusen Kulturhus 4/6

Book Seminar: Urban Futures from Essentials to Experiences 4/6

Book Seminar: Urban Futures from Essentials to Experiences 4/6

OPI Lab’s Tiny Park Festival

OPI Lab’s Tiny Park Festival

DAAS: Third Annual Gathering

DAAS: Third Annual Gathering

Psyche Zine Release 8/5

Psyche Zine Release 8/5

Perfarmonce Mister Class 7/5

Perfarmonce Mister Class 7/5

DIS/ORDINARY POSSIBILITIES: In conversation with Jos Boys 26/4 [ENG]

DIS/ORDINARY POSSIBILITIES: In conversation with Jos Boys 26/4 [ENG]

OPI Lab: Open Door Session 7/3

OPI Lab: Open Door Session 7/3

Samtal: Geo Wyex [World in My Eyes] 6/3

Samtal: Geo Wyex [World in My Eyes] 6/3

Öppet hus 2023

Öppet hus 2023

Two Europeans on a Platform, Nobel Week Lights 2–11/12

Two Europeans on a Platform, Nobel Week Lights 2–11/12

Filmklubben: Bodily Remains på Moderna 8/12

Filmklubben: Bodily Remains på Moderna 8/12

Professorinstallation med föreläsning: Blaise Kirschner 23/11

Professorinstallation med föreläsning: Blaise Kirschner 23/11

Rundgång 2023 – i bild

Rundgång 2023 – i bild

Film och panel 7/11: Good Life

Film och panel 7/11: Good Life

World in my eyes: Yazan Khalili 24/10

World in my eyes: Yazan Khalili 24/10

White Spots for Sale: A higher seminar on “sick images”

White Spots for Sale: A higher seminar on “sick images”

17/9: Skeppsholmsdagen

17/9: Skeppsholmsdagen

Konsthögskolans studenter på Kulturarvsdagarna Medevi Brunn

Konsthögskolans studenter på Kulturarvsdagarna Medevi Brunn

Emeka Ogboh

Emeka Ogboh

OPI Lab | Open Door Sessions

OPI Lab | Open Door Sessions



Mejanstudenter möter Nationalmuseums samlingar

Mejanstudenter möter Nationalmuseums samlingar

Cyberfeminism and screening of Fresh Kill  

Cyberfeminism and screening of Fresh Kill  

Launch: freq_spark (four corners)

Launch: freq_spark (four corners)

The Future is Public, Platform Urbanism and Its Discontents

The Future is Public, Platform Urbanism and Its Discontents

Open Lecture Series: Textiles

Open Lecture Series: Textiles

Figure and Ground: An Overview of Textile Materiality in Contemporary Art [Figuration]

Figure and Ground: An Overview of Textile Materiality in Contemporary Art [Figuration]

Shrouds, Rags and Diapers: Textile Materiality from the Sacred to the Profane in Art History, pt 2

Shrouds, Rags and Diapers: Textile Materiality from the Sacred to the Profane in Art History, pt 2

Figure and Ground: An Overview of Textile Materiality in Contemporary Art [Abstraction]

Figure and Ground: An Overview of Textile Materiality in Contemporary Art [Abstraction]

Sensing Citation: the Sensing Salon

Sensing Citation: the Sensing Salon

Shrouds, Rags and Diapers: Textile Materiality from the Sacred to the Profane in Art History

Shrouds, Rags and Diapers: Textile Materiality from the Sacred to the Profane in Art History

Öppet hus

Öppet hus

Karl Tiréns jojkinspelningar – ett utforskande samtal om ljudarkiv

Karl Tiréns jojkinspelningar – ett utforskande samtal om ljudarkiv

The Tidal Zone – an intertidal imaginary and the possibilities for feral filmmaking

The Tidal Zone – an intertidal imaginary and the possibilities for feral filmmaking

Two Rooms for Listening

Two Rooms for Listening

’The Opening Night’ at Valvet

’The Opening Night’ at Valvet

Non-Knowledge, Laughter and the Moving Image

Non-Knowledge, Laughter and the Moving Image

Rundgang 2022

Rundgang 2022

Rutiga Golvet: Carl Michael von Hausswolff

Rutiga Golvet: Carl Michael von Hausswolff

Sonic Insurrections III

Sonic Insurrections III

Kungl. Konsthögskolan på Moderna: Dry Ground Burning

Kungl. Konsthögskolan på Moderna: Dry Ground Burning

A festival of collective practices at Hägerstensåsens Medborgarhus

A festival of collective practices at Hägerstensåsens Medborgarhus

OPI Lab | Open Studio

OPI Lab | Open Studio

WE ARE OCEAN Sápmi at Hus28

WE ARE OCEAN Sápmi at Hus28

Difficult Heritage – Public Program

Difficult Heritage – Public Program

Higher Seminar and book launch on Stateless Heritage with DAAR

Higher Seminar and book launch on Stateless Heritage with DAAR

Annika Larsson: Alien Laughter

Annika Larsson: Alien Laughter

After Work: a book about the meaning of Work

After Work: a book about the meaning of Work

Public Lecture | Art-Rite REDUX: Martin Groch

Public Lecture | Art-Rite REDUX: Martin Groch

Bokrelease: Porträtt av unga män

Bokrelease: Porträtt av unga män

Hrair Sarkissian: The Other Side of Silence

Hrair Sarkissian: The Other Side of Silence

Sonic Insurrections: Lyssningsrummet

Sonic Insurrections: Lyssningsrummet

Sex Ecologies

Sex Ecologies

Digitalt öppet hus 2022

Digitalt öppet hus 2022

Economy & the Commons

Economy & the Commons

Architectural Dissonances

Architectural Dissonances

Manual: On Artistic Processing and Art’s Pedagogy

Manual: On Artistic Processing and Art’s Pedagogy

Artist talk with Jeremy Shaw

Artist talk with Jeremy Shaw

Eiko Otake

Eiko Otake

Painting Symposium

Painting Symposium

A fourth life?

A fourth life?

Global launch of new performance video by C-U-T

Global launch of new performance video by C-U-T

Collective Agenda: Art for Nonhumans

Collective Agenda: Art for Nonhumans

Rundgång 2021

Rundgång 2021

Den utopiska bildens pedagogik

Den utopiska bildens pedagogik

Det odelbara rummet – Läsårets insikter och slutsatser

Det odelbara rummet – Läsårets insikter och slutsatser

Forskningsveckan 2021

Forskningsveckan 2021

Digitalt öppet hus på Kungl. Konsthögskolan

Digitalt öppet hus på Kungl. Konsthögskolan