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Simon Sjöström

Varmt välkomna till Simon Sjöströms examensutställning på Galleri Mejan, Kungl. Konsthögskolans studentgalleri.

Mån–fre 12.00–18.00
Lör–sön 12.00–17.00

Utställningen står: 10/2–19/2. Vernissage fredag 10 februari: 17.00–21.00.

Simon Sjöström
Conductor for complex systems

Den 17 januari 2022 sändes rösten från 9 träd runt jorden och ut i rymden. Såsom ovan så även nedan.

Bildgalleri, rulla i sidled för att se bilder.
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From left: INTERSECTION 1 & INTERSECTION 2, charcoal drawings hanging on copper thread, 84x120cm (x2) | TRANSMISSION, video screening, 60min | Exhibition benches of aged wood and the artist. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger.
A5 publications including texts, calculations and drawings. Printed in riso for the exhibition at Galleri Mejan. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Installation view from exhibition entrance including a pencil drawing (21x29cm) and exhibition publications in A5. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger.
From left: INFINITE EXTINCTION AND REBIRTH: WAVES, 2022, pencil drawing, 21x30cm | TRANSCEIVER, 2022, pencil drawing, 21x30cm | INTERSECTION 1 & INTERSECTION 2, charcoal drawings hanging on copper thread, 84x120cm (x2) | TRANSMISSION, video screening, 60min | Exhibition benches of aged wood. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger.
CONDUCTOR FOR COMPLEX SYSTEMS, pencil drawing, 20x30cm | Exhibition benches of aged wood. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger.
CONDUCTOR FOR COMPLEX SYSTEMS, pencil drawing, 20x30cm | Exhibition benches of aged wood and the artist. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger.
INFINITE EXTINCTION AND REBIRTH: WAVES, 2022, pencil drawing, 21x30cm | TRANSCEIVER, 2022, pencil drawing, 21x30cm | Exhibition benches of aged wood. Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger.