The Swedish Library Association has granted the library at the Royal Institute of Art 30 000 SEK for the project “Profiling and promoting the artist’s book genre in library activities”.
When the new library at the Royal Institute of Art will open after the summer of 2025, the plan is to profile the library in various ways and, in that context, build up a collection of books within the artist’s book genre. An artist’s book can be described as a work of art in the form of a book. Related activities include book crafts, book printing and fanzines.
Annsofi Lindberg, librarian at the library at the Royal Institute of Art, believes that the artist’s book is an exciting and innovative element that offers new opportunities to relate to art and literature.
– The development grant from the Swedish Library Association will help create an opportunity for the new library at the Royal Institute of Art to work innovatively and co-creatively with the artist’s book and promote the genre in various ways. For example, through acquisitions, exhibitions and seminars, she says.