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Conversation and finissage: Filippa Arrias

Paramaribostorken flög sin kos och kom aldrig tillbaka – Transformationen som den andre, Filippa Arrias. Foto: Hans Ekestang

De quelle mort suis-je donc le rêve
– Olivier Marboef

”Till Paramaribo på Omvägar”

8 September, 13:00–15:00
Conversation at 14.00
Fridhemsplans T-Ban station, green line, direction Hässelby.

Filippa Arrias is a graduate of the Royal Institute of Art, where she has also lectured and conducted research. Since September 2023, Arrias has been exhibiting a series of images at Fridhemsplans metro station, as part of her now completed VR project ‘Paramaribostorken flög sin kos och kom aldrig tillbaka – Transformationen som den Andre‘. The research project, which was given at KKH, further developed how a content/subject can be transformed by being translated between different artistic media and materials. The project used painting, documentation and writing to express different aspects of the same story.

The exhibition – which is part of Stockholm’s ‘Konstväxlingar’ programme – occupies nine visual spaces. Here the viewer is presented with a story in which the past and the present are placed side by side in a series of black and white watercolours, mixed with pieces of text and oil paintings in colour.

At 14.00 on 8 September, Filippa Arrias will tell us more about the sub-project ‘Till Paramaribo på Omvägar’ and its role in the VR project ‘Paramaribostorken flög sin kos och kom aldrig tillbaka – Transformationen som den Andre’, as well as how the work with the image series is part of the documentary film process that is a further development of the VR project.

A warm welcome!