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Architectural Dissonances

Double Standard, Lais Myrrah, Brazil 2016 Photo: Pedro Ivo Transfetti. Courtesy Fundação Bienal de São Paulo.
E-publication ‘Architectural Dissonances’ is launched through an event of immersive installations in a convivial space for informal conversations and based on a collaboration between the Decolonizing Architecture Studies at the Royal Institute of Art and L’Internationale Online.

Architectural Dissonances

With contributions by Suha Hasan, Malin Heyman, Sepideh Karami, Lais Myrrah, Harun Morrison, Joar Nango, Itohan Osayimwese, Victoria Ogoegbunam Okoye, Laércio Redondo, Ayedin Ronaghi, Emilio Distretti and Alessandro Petti.

Editors: Corina Oprea, Alessandro Petti, Marie-Louise Richards, Tatiana Pinto, Roberta Burchardt. 

The compositions, essays, videos and architectural projects in this collection explore strategies and modalities of practising and investigating beyond the predominantly Western modernist architectural canon. The European colonial/modern project has constructed its identity in opposition to “other worlds” labeled as traditional or backwards. The suppression of alternatives was, and is, an attempt to create a singular modernist/colonial canon, and hence modernity cannot exist without the disqualification and degradation of other approaches and world views.

Echoing processual music terminologies, the dissonant practices and structures transform energy, twist and interfere with the surrounding virtual and physical context, in a macro form of the territory of the complexity drive and its potential to change the ideologies of the fixed urban form. Through the approach of decolonial thinking, being, and doing, one question that emerges is how to fundamentally rethink and offer ways to reimagine society through spatial practice – beyond the utopian universalist constraints conceived within modern architecture.  

Recognizing the limits and slippages of academic disciplines such as architecture, art history, museology and curating, and encouraging practices of unlearning, our task is therefore to situate a critical conversation around decolonization in Europe by challenging Western epistemologies in relation to architecture, living and working spaces, territories of care, urban and rural planning. 

Decolonizing Architecture Advanced Studies is a series of postmaster courses, public seminars, field studies, publications, and discursive exhibitions at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm.
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L’Internationale Online is the platform for art and research of a confederation of seven modern and contemporary art institutions: MG+MSUM (Ljubljana, Slovenia); Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid, Spain); MACBA, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (Spain); Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp (M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium); Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (MSN, Warsaw, Poland); SALT (Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey) and Van Abbemuseum (VAM, Eindhoven, the Netherlands).
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