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Launch Event: MANUAL

We extend a warm welcome to the release of the publishing series MANUAL at RÖNNELLS ANTIKVARIAT on January 22 at 18.00–20.00.

MANUAL is a publishing platform initiated at KKH, (Royal Institute of Art/Kungl. Konsthögskolan) where short essays are commissioned around the idea of artistic practice and education in relation to technical gestures and technological resources. 

The double meaning of manual, as the labour performed with the hands and as the handbook that transmits the knowledge of this labour, is here used as a frame to propose a specific relation to pedagogy and artistic practice.

The release, celebrating the launch of the first four published books, gathers guests and the authors (both online and in person): 

Form in Art and in Value, by Josefine Wikström
Filming with the Ocean, by Kajsa Dahlberg
Crisis in the Workspace, by Axel Andersson

The presentation will be moderated by Johanna Gustafsson Fürst and Asier Mendizabal, introducing Liam Sprod, editor of the series.

An ongoing discussion on the pedagogies of the Sculpture and 3D area of KKH brings together existing resources and teaching models centred around the notion of the workplace. The publishing platform positions the workshop as the locus where practices, techniques, and gestures are shared – just as ideas and perspectives are exchanged. This series of handbooks serves as a complement to that process, which, in December 2021, culminated in a weeklong conference. The lectures and discussions from that event form the foundation for this ongoing series of manuals. 

Johanna Gustafsson Fürst and Asier Mendizabal, both professors at KKH, co-direct the publication series in collaboration and dialogue with einaidea, a Barcelona-based research and cultural programming platform led by director Manuel Cirauqui alongside designers Ana Habash and Alex Viladrich, and editor Liam Sprod.