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Aron Fogelström

Welcome to Aron Fogelström’s graduation exhibition at Galleri Mejan, the Royal Institute of Art’s student gallery.

Aron Fogelström
The Failure of the Laryngologist’s Dream

Vernissage: Friday 6/12 17.00–21.00
Exhibition: 7/12–15/12

Opening hours:
Mon–Fri 12.00–18.00
Sat–Sun 12.00–18.00

‘No one can yet say that he has watched the vocal cords during the natural and unconstrained performance of their duties,’ writes one voice culturist in 1894, confirming the failure of the laryngologist’s dream.

– Wayne Koestenbaum, The Queen’s Throat: Opera, Homosexuality, and the Mystery of Desire, 2001

Spoken language is a negotiation of bodies, both human and architectural. Entering a space is placing one’s body in an acoustic relation. Your presence alters a space. And so, your presence will alter this room. The repeated word eventually shapes its container according to itself.

Aron Fogelström (b. 1996, SE/FI) studied film studies at Stockholm University before enrolling at the Royal Institute of Art in 2020. As of this academic year, he is in Tris Vonna-Michell’s professor group, prior to which he was in Ming Wong’s class. In collaboration with Wong and five other artists, he took part in the 11th Seoul Mediacity Biennale with the K-pop band project C-U-T. In 2023, he initiated the group exhibition “Letter from Stockholm” at the Tallinn-located artist-run project space VENT. That same year, while in residency at ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics in Berlin, he deepened his artistic practice towards science fiction linguistics focusing on the German and Swedish languages. Together with Stella Dieden Richter, he is running the platform “Don’t Bring an Instrument” to foster artistic exchange on sound-based practices.

Aron Fogelström’s website.

Image gallery, scroll sideways to see images.
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Aron Fogelström, The Failure of the Laryngologist’s Dream Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Aron Fogelström, The Failure of the Laryngologist’s Dream Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Aron Fogelström, The Failure of the Laryngologist’s Dream Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Aron Fogelström, The Failure of the Laryngologist’s Dream Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Aron Fogelström, The Failure of the Laryngologist’s Dream Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Aron Fogelström, The Failure of the Laryngologist’s Dream Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Aron Fogelström, The Failure of the Laryngologist’s Dream Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger