Warm welcome to Elina Maria Eriksson’s degree show at Galleri Mejan, the Royal Institute of Art’s student gallery.
Opening hours:
Mon–Fri 12.00–18.00
Sat–Sun 12.00–17.00
Opening Friday 8th of April 17.00–21.00
The exhibition is running from 8–17th of April.
Elina Maria Eriksson:
Time and Space is a luxury
”I often work with my son, following his interests and taking his work into my own. He and I make up a team with very different viewpoints. He is an autistic child and I a dyslexic adult. The work we make is usually about language and a process of creating language. He is eight years old and we have developed ways of communicating through images since he was a baby. This has had a large impact on my work and is a continuing learning process and source of wonder and joyful communication. We sit in the kitchen and mark events and situations through drawings, paintings, and sculptures. We talk about the drawings and make sound effects for them. We create words, symbols, and representations of objects in clay. We go outside and spend time writing words in the snow or create alphabets out of clay, sand, or sticks.”