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Ellen Eurenius Hallgren & tm

Warm welcome to Ellen Eurenius Hallgren & tm’s degree shows at Galleri Mejan, the Royal Institute of Art’s student gallery.

Mon–Fri 12.00–18.00
Sat–Sun 12.00–17.00
Friday 11 February 17.00–21.00

The exhibitions runs from 11–20 February.

Oraklet säger
ett hål är en ihålig hög /
The oracle says
a hole is a hollow pile

Oraklet skvallrar till Viskan
dom lever för kort för att känna ansvar. Skyller på dom invasiva arterna.
En förorenad å och monstruösa åtgärder.
tm /
The oracle gossips to Viskan
they live too short to feel responsible. Blame it on the invasive speices.
A polluted river and monstrous measures.

Ellen Eurenius Hallgren:

How can we tell stories in a time of political exhaustion where different worlds intrude?

This question is present for me when I work with a careful recombination of my own photographs, family photos, found images, documents and other used paper sheets. By working with them through collage and montage techniques, I investigate what relevance and contradictions can resurge and be activated through different displacements.