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Sofia Romberg

Welcome to Sofia Romberg’s graduation exhibition at Galleri Mejan, the Royal Institute of Art’s student gallery.

Sofia Romberg
Landscape with Suns

Vernissage: Friday 25/10 17.00–21.00
Exhibition: 26/10–3/11 

Opening hours:
Mon–Sun 12.00–17.00

A film about a created mountain, the city and the city, oblivion, nettles, rosehips, echoes, passings, and us. In pink, purple and blue.

Image gallery, scroll sideways to see images.
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Sofia Romberg, Landscape with Suns Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Sofia Romberg, Landscape with Suns Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Sofia Romberg, Landscape with Suns Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Sofia Romberg, Landscape with Suns Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Sofia Romberg, Landscape with Suns Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Sofia Romberg, Landscape with Suns Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger
Sofia Romberg, Landscape with Suns Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger