On 27 January at 15.00 we open the doors to the Royal Institute of Art’s Digital Open House 2021! We are sending live from Skeppsholmen in Stockholm direct from the university’s sculpture workshop. Welcome!
During the live session you are going to meet the Vice-Chancellor, our professor in painting, a current student, as well as the administrator to the fine art programs. Together they will offer you insights and discussions about the Royal Institute of Art as an institution and school.
Ask your questions about our programmes already now, or during the event, via oppethus@kkh.se.
Your questions will be read out anonymized and answered during the digital event. You are welcome to ask your questions in English and will be answered the same way, even if the majority of the Open House event will be conducted in Swedish. Contributions that fall short of an answer during the live session due to time constraints will receive individual responses via e-mail.
Program for the live session:
15.00–15.15 Sara Arrhenius, Vice-Chancellor, opens the live sessions and introduces all participants, as well as the Royal Institute of Art as an institution.
15.15–15.25 Kristina Jansson, presents Royal Institute of Art’s Fine Art programmes in the capacity of Professor in Fine Art.
15.25–15.35 Cristian Quinteros Soto, student, reports about what it means to study Fine Art at the Royal Institute of Art.
15.35–15.45 Discussion amongst the participants, rounding up the presentation about the Royal Institute of Art and its Fine Art programmes.
15.45–16.45 Participants answer questions emailed to oppethus@kkh.se before or during the live session.