Welcome to release of the zine Stay in Place and exhibition in Mellanrummet at the Royal Institute of Art.
Opening: May 5th at 16:00. The exhibition will be up until May 7th.
The zine is a reflection of this year’s themes in Lina Bjerneld’s professor group at the Royal Institute of Art. It contains contributions from all students in the group.
Place is strenuous, it requires a certain activity and sometimes a negotiation. By making place visible, together with students, I hope we find a purposefulness, maybe an awareness; an encouragement for an exploratory view of that which surrounds us. The possibility of seeing society, the political or economic structures that affect us, or the inner landscape, the space within us, the room of the psyche and the body’s interior.
Place adds another layer of complexity to what your work is, what it does and what it wants. It establishes a dialogue or a negotiation with both the abstract structures we ourselves create, and also the actual circumstances of the world.