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NAVET WEEK 2024 is a collaborative event between the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), the Royal Institute of Art (KKH), the Royal College of Music (KMH), Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH), Konstfack, The Swedish Museum of Performing Arts and Tekniska museet. The week includes a range of activities such as live performances, workshops, presentations and interactive installations. Admission is free and the event is open to all.

Please register for NAVET WEEK 2024 by clicking here.

During the week you can participate in events such as:

⤇ December 9: KTH
Meditation, inauguration of NAVET Week and a hands-on technology workshop (Making Things Do Stuff).

⤇ December 10: Tekniska museet
Presentations of future project calls and the theme Space.

⤇ December 10–11: Performing Arts Museum
Interactive installations (Human Echoes in the Forest), performances and Darkness Matters, an immersive sensory experience.

⤇ December 11: Konstfack
Soundscapes of Material workshop exploring sound and haptics.

⤇ December 12: KTH Reaktorhallen
Interactive installations and a workshop in motion capture ethics (Not Your Body).

⤇ December 13: Kungl. Konsthögskolan
Between 14:00 and 16:00, ongoing research projects are explored, where the Royal Institute of Art presents Sculpting with SARA (Spatial Augmented Reality Assistance), a project in the borderland between art and systems technology. We then visit two exhibitions by MFA students Aron Fogelström and Therese Norgren:

Therese Norgren – Decoder
Aron Fogelström – The Failure of the Laryngologist’s Dream

NAVET is a center with the overall goal of becoming a meeting place for research and projects at the intersection of art, technology and design, with the aim of facilitating and creating opportunities for exchange and research collaboration between artists, designers, engineers, humanists, natural and social scientists.

NAVET is a collaboration between seven partners: the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), the Royal College of Music (KMH), Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH), Konstfack, the Royal Institute of Art (KKH), The Swedish Museum of Performing Arts and Tekniska museet.

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Picture of tests of research project Sculpting With SARA (Spatial Augmented Reality Assistance) Photo: Martin Christensen