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Art School and Government Agency

The Royal Institute of Art (University College) is an art school and government agency that runs under the Ministry of Education and Research. Its activity is largely financed by direct government funding, and some of the research conducted here is funded by grants from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), for instance. We operate within the framework stated by the Higher Education Law (Högskolelagen) and the Higher Education Act (Högskoleförordningen) as part of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).

The Royal Institute of Art’s activity is also regulated through internal operational plans and governing documents and is reported in annual reviews and through evaluations. These are available in the institution’s document database.

University College Board

The University College Board is the Royal Institute of Art’s highest decision-making body and handles issues relating to the University College organization and the overall direction of its operations. The Board consists of external representatives appointed by the Swedish government for a three-year period. In addition, the Vice-Chancellor, teacher representatives, student representatives, and Union representatives are included on the Board.


Ewa Kumlin

Vice Chairperson

Sanne Kofod Olsen

Members appointed by the Swedish government for the period of May 1, 2023-September 30, 2024

Therése Iveby Gardell
Ewa Kumlin
Matts Leiderstam
Per Olsson Fridh
Anna Serner
Dragana Vujanovic Östlind
Karina Ericsson Wärn
Patrick Amsellem

Teacher Representatives

Lars Hammarström
Lone-Pia Bach
Kristina Jansson

Student Representatives

Roda Abdalle
Hedwig Wijkström
Niklas Breimert

Union Representatives

Jenny Olsson, SACO-S
Daniel Norrman, ST-ATF


Lina Bjerneld, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
Björn Larsson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
Malin Hell, Head of Administration
Sarah Heuberger, Secretary to the Vice-Chancellor


The Royal Institute of Art’s leadership consists of the Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Head of Administration and Heads of Department.


Sanne Kofod Olsen leads the organization and is the Royal Institute of Art’s foremost artistic and academic representative. The Vice-Chancellor holds chief responsibility for the state authority as head of the Royal Institute of Art and is a member of the institution’s Board.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research

Axel Andersson is Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Senior Lecturer in Art History.


Lina Bjerneld is Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of the Academic Appointments Board.

Björn Larsson is Pro-Vice-Chancellor with overall responsibility for the institution’s quality assurance in education.

Head of Administration

Malin Hell is the Head of Administration with responsibility for preparing matters upon which the Vice-Chancellor or the University College Board must decide. The position includes ensuring adequate support for education and research, and that the institution fulfils its obligations as a state authority.

Head of Departments

Agneta Linton is Head of the Department for Education in the Fine Arts Program.

Björn Larsson is acting Head of the Department for Research and Further Education within Architecture and Fine Art.


The Royal Institute of Art has two Departments:

The Department for Education in the Fine Arts Program offers education within the discipline of Fine Art, which in turn is divided into four Areas with different specializations. The 2D (two-dimensional) area encompasses painting and printmaking. The 3D area includes sculpture and three-dimensional design. Mindepartementet is the name of the platform where the school has gathered moving image, photography, sound, and performance. The Text area involves art theory, art history, and writing – the discursive practices that surround art and those artistic practitioners themselves use. Every area is led by an Area-coordinator:

  • TBA, Mindepartementet
  • Lina Bjerneld, 2D
  • Johanna Gustafsson Fürst, 3D
  • Natasha Marie Llorens, Text

The activity of the Department for Research and Further Education within Architecture and Fine Art is oriented towards further education at the advanced level (second and third cycle studies) in the interchange between fine art and architecture. The department also has a specific responsibility for the school’s research as well as collaboration within doctoral studies.

Within both departments, a Department Board exists that is partly an advisory council for the Heads of Department, and partly a decision-making body on faculty questions which affect education and research.

Department Boards

The following members are included in the Department Board for the Department for Education in the Fine Arts Program:

Agneta Linton, Head of Department

Asier Mendizabel
Åsa Andersson Broms
Axel Andersson
Emma Kihl
Jenny Olsson
Freddy Houndekindo, student representative

Carl Johan Erikson
Lars Hammarström
Annette Felleson
Oliver Amadeus, student representative

The following members are included in the Department Board for the Department for Research and Further Education within Architecture and Fine Art:

Björn Larsson, acting Head of Department

Lone-Pia Bach
Jonas Dahlberg
Elof Hellström
Stefan Pedersen
Marie-Louise Richards

Alessandro Petti
Vacant, deputy adjunct

Max Landegren, standing student representative
vacant, deputy student representative

University College Advisory Council

The University College Advisory Council consists of the Vice-Chancellor and the Department Boards standing members and provides counsel to the vice-chancellor on strategic matters. It can also handle matters that are of importance to the entire University College, and which require the Departmental Boards to make bilateral faculty-wide decisions.


The Administration is responsible for the institution’s administrative support for the University College Board, Vice-Chancellor, and Departments. The administration’s employees have a high level of competence and work systematically to supply the core organization with the best conditions for providing education and conducting research of the highest quality. The administration consists of the following four units, and is led by the Head of Administration.

  • Vice Chancellor Office
  • Property and IT Unit
  • HR and Finance Unit
  • Education and Research Unit

The administration also includes a registry, archive, and a library.

Other Boards, Committees and Councils

Included in our other committees and councils are representatives from the management as well as employees and students.

Admissions Committees

Admissions Committees are put together to determine admission to programs and freestanding courses. The admissions committees also involve the Royal Institute of Art’s student representatives, and an external member is also included in the admissions committee for the educational programs. The members of the admissions committees vary from year to year.

Disciplinary Board

The Disciplinary Board handles cases of disciplinary measures against students. The Vice-Chancellor is the chairperson of the disciplinary committee. The committee also consists of a legally qualified member – who must be (or have been) a standing judge – as well as a teacher representative from the institution, as appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. Students at the school have the right to be represented on the board by two members.


Sanne Kofod Olsen (chair)
Magnus Åhammar, Legally qualified member
Marie-Louise Richards, Teacher representative 
Andreas Hammar, Auxiliary teacher representative
Niels Engström, Student representative
Mio Nielsen, Student representative

Academic Appointments Board

The Academic Appointments Board offers suggestions when a new teacher or doctoral student is to be employed. The Board consists of a chairperson, two professors, a lecturer or an assistant professor, and a student representative.


Lina Bjerneld (chair)
Jonas Dahlberg
Natasha Marie Llorens
Rut Karin Zettergren
Jørgen Eide, student representative

Carl Johan Erikson
Linus Klangflod, student representative

The Council for Working Conditions and Equal Terms

The Council for Working Conditions and Equal Terms is responsible for the coordination, development, and follow-up of issues relating to the work environment and equal opportunities. This includes gender equality, diversity, and fair treatment. The council consists of the Head of Administration (as chairperson) as well as staff and student representatives.


Malin Hell (chair)
Rickard Stöhr
Agneta Linton
Gustavo Navarro
Kajsa Fogelberg
Guangjuan Zhang (SACO)
Åsa Andersson (chief safety representative)
Annette Felleson (ST)
Maria Toll, student representative
Sebastian Lindén, student representative

The Staff Responsibility Committee

The Staff Responsibility Committee deals with matters in relation to personnel regarding disciplinary responsibility, prosecution, suspension, and dismissals. The committee consists of the Vice-Chancellor (chair), the staff representatives of the Board, and a maximum of three additional members, as appointed by the Board.


Sanne Kofod Olsen, Vice-Chancellor (chair)

Göran Svenborn (ST-AFT)

Mikael Beckman-Thoor (SACO)

Andreas Hammar, substitute (SACO-S)

Ulrika Gustavsson Rosengren

Johanna Gustafsson Fürst, substitute

Quality Assurance Work

Quality assurance work at the Royal Institute of Art is integrated into the operations at all academic levels and is based on our vision-statement and governing documents. The systematic quality assurance work is based on a cyclical working pattern of four recurring processes, namely: to plan, implement, evaluate, and adjust.


The Royal Institute of Art’s faculty (teaching staff) consists of highly educated and experienced teachers. Most of our teachers are artists or architects with an active and reputable artistic practice. The school also has highly experienced technicians and craftspeople who support the students in the workshops. Our faculty brings together teachers with different artistic specializations and experiences from around the world.

Student Union

The Royal Institute of Art’s Student Union, called Club Mejan, stands for students’ rights, and is represented on the Royal Institute of Art’s University College Board, as well as others various boards, committees, and councils.


Governance Policy

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