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Work here

From left: Andrea Larsson, Andreas Widoff. Photo: Jean Baptiste Béranger

Employee Influence

The Royal Institute of Art is a creative and dynamic workplace in the hub of Sweden’s art and cultural life. About 80 people currently work here. We employ artists and teachers within different fields, as well as researchers, communicators, teaching coordinators and IT specialists.

Our employees are an important part of the Royal Institute of Art. Our teachers fill a crucial role for the students and their development, and our administrative staff is a source of support for both teachers and students.

At the Royal Institute of Art you can work together with engaged colleagues in an exciting area of teaching, and address issues that develop art in Sweden. Our employees have an influence on the institution’s activities through representatives in all of the Royal Institute of Art’s decision-making bodies.

We actively work to create a positive and safe working environment. We follow the current legislation and have internal rules to protect the safety and health of our employees. We are also connected to the Union of Civil Servants.

Available Positions

At the Royal Institute of Art, all roles are important. We need experienced and motivated employees who want to develop together with us.

Information for Foreign Employees

We have many international employees. Non-Swedish citizens need to resolve certain administrative issues before employment may begin, for instance resident permits. Our HR-department is glad to assist in providing more information.

Information for international applicants (pdf)

To appeal against an employment

Appointing positions at the Royal Institute of Art is announced on the official notice board. Should you want to appeal an appointment decision, write to:

The Royal Institute of Art
Box 16315
103 26 Stockholm

State which position you are appealing against and its diary number. State what you would like to change and the reasons for this.
The Royal Institute of Art must have received your appeal within three weeks from the day the decision was posted on the university’s notice board, otherwise the appeal cannot be considered.
The Royal Institute of Art will forward the appeal to the Statens Överklagandenämnd (SON), which in turn takes a position on the appeal.

At the moment, there are no job vacancies available to apply for.

Health and Development

Wellness and Healthcare

We care about the health of our employees, and therefore offer both wellness hours and health benefits. We even arrange activities such as yoga and massages during working hours.

Our employees receive reimbursement for the cost of medicine covered by high-cost protection, and may also go to the doctor and our company healthcare provider during paid working hours, if needed. We also share some of the patient’s expenses for visits to the doctor, physiotherapist, and psychologist, as well as hospital care.

Skills Development

There are significant opportunities for development with us, both personally and professionally. Here, our employees can broaden their professional roles in several fields, or deepen their knowledge within a special area. Through various collaborations, our employees can both work on personal development and contribute towards collective learning. We also want our employees to develop in the exchange with the outside world, and we therefore offer the opportunity to join and participate in various national and international networks and conferences.

In addition to annual employee reviews, our employees naturally get developing feedback from their closest manager. They also receive opportunities for reflection, discussion, and joint planning for the coming financial year.

Work and Pension

Working Hours and Vacation

We believe in the balance between work and leisure. Therefore, we offer flexible working hours. In addition to parental leave, our employees also have the opportunity to shorten their working hours until their child is 12 years old.

At the Royal Institute of Art the amount of vacation time is determined by the employee’s age. Those under the age of 31 have 28 days of vacation. Those between the ages of 31-40 have 31 days of vacation, and those over the age of 40 have 35 days of vacation.

Occupational Pension and Insurance

The Royal Institute of Art’s employees are covered by occupational pensions that include occupational-, survivors’- and illness-pensions. This means that we deduct a certain percentage of your salary for your occupational pension, which is made in addition to your general pension.

If an occupational injury should occur, our employees have occupational injury insurance that provides compensation for a certain loss of income. Our Government Service Group Life Insurance provides financial protection to survivors.