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Available Positions

At the Royal Institute of Art, all roles are important. We need experienced and motivated employees who want to develop together with us.

Information for Foreign Employees

We have many international employees. Non-Swedish citizens need to resolve certain administrative issues before employment may begin, for instance resident permits. Our HR-department is glad to assist in providing more information.

Information for international applicants (pdf)

To appeal against an employment

Appointing positions at the Royal Institute of Art is announced on the official notice board. Should you want to appeal an appointment decision, write to:

The Royal Institute of Art
Box 16315
103 26 Stockholm

State which position you are appealing against and its diary number. State what you would like to change and the reasons for this.
The Royal Institute of Art must have received your appeal within three weeks from the day the decision was posted on the university’s notice board, otherwise the appeal cannot be considered.
The Royal Institute of Art will forward the appeal to the Statens Överklagandenämnd (SON), which in turn takes a position on the appeal.

At the moment, there are no job vacancies available to apply for.