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Karon Nilzén

Karon Nilzén: "The Eye of the Mole and the Perpetual Motion"
Karon Nilzén: "The Eye of the Mole and the Perpetual Motion"

Varmt välkomna till Karon Nilzéns examensutställning på Galleri Mejan, Kungl. Konsthögskolans studentgalleri.

Mån–fre 12.00–18.00
Lör–sön 12.00–17.00
Fredag 26 november 17.00–21.00

Utställningen står mellan den 26 november–5 december

Karon Nilzén:
”The Eye of the Mole and the Perpetual Motion”

The mole is born with tiny eyes, in some cases covered
with a thin layer of skin. The eye is barely functional,
incapable to see movements but can perceive lights
to a certain extent. Because the mole lives most of its life
underground in total darkness the use of a well functional eye
is barely existing. Even so, every newborn mole gets
a pair of eyes, almost blind between birth and death.
So why are those eyes?
What do they see when the mole dreams at night?
A vestigial structure from a time above ground?
Or do they see something else?
A perpetual motion without beginning or end?