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Tim Høibjerg

Examensutställning: Tim Høibjerg
Examensutställning: Tim Høibjerg.

Varmt välkommen till Tim Høibjergs examensutställning på Galleri Mejan, Kungl. Konsthögskolans studentgalleri.

Mån–fre 12.00–18.00
Lör–sön 12.00–17.00
Fredag 3 september 17.00–21.00

Utställningen står mellan den 3 september–11 september.

Tim Høibjerg:
Active Denial System

Tim Høibjerg: ”The decisions I make in my practice across the processes and techniques I use are closely linked to the content of my work. My workflow often comprises taking an object or subject from the actual world, scanning it before transferring it to the software, which allows me to perform experiments through the virtual realm. Manipulation of objects and materials in the 3D software embodies a sense of fantasy or play. Through 3D printing, molding, video projection, sculpture and textile the final art works are now hybrid objects, made real through the process. This approach creates a presence of both the virtual and real worlds that allows me to question, explore, and undermine the binaries through technology and materiality.”