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The laser studio, the Royal Institute of Art. Photo: Alexander Beveridge

The laser studio provides training in laser cutting technology from an artistic perspective. Here students explore different techniques and the possibilities of 2D and 3D and the digital and analogue expression of art. It is possible to laser cut or laser etch different materials using control programmes and auxiliary programmes for laser cutting machines.

The laser studio encourages the use of various organic and environmentally friendly materials and working methods. Approved materials include paper, cardboard, wood, plywood, acrylic, natural fabrics, wool felt, natural leather and metal.

The laser studio offers laser cutters WS1390M (metal and non-metal), 260W CO2 and WS1309XLS, 80W CO2 as well as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Metal Cut and RD Works V8 software.

Workshop manager: Andreas Hammar